Les patrons adaptés au style masculin
Liste des marques de patrons pour homme que j'ai pu recenser
de Café cousettes
Styliste modéliste de formation, j'ai créé Café cousettes : la marque de patrons de couture accessibles à tous.
• COUTUR(E) pour être très explicite
• (H)OOD qui représente la communauté qui l’entoure.
Dans un esprit de partage de connaissance et d’expérience, il me semblait qu’il me représentait le plus.
En 2019, je décide de me lancer et de créer ma propre marque de patron de couture, celle que j’ai imaginé des années durant sans oser véritablement la démarrer. Ce fut réellement l’appui de mes lecteurs qui m’a donné l’impulsion de continuer sur ma lancée, avec l’envie de vous proposer des patrons accessibles, clairs et précis à l’instar de mes livres. Je mets un point d'honneur à proposer une ligne masculin dense car la gamme est vraiment très pauvre.
Les patrons seront vendus exclusivement sous forme PDF. Chaque patron est disponible sous forme de calques, vous pouvez donc choisir :
• la /les tailles
• avec valeurs de couture
• sans valeur de couture
De plus, chaque patron est disponible dans différents formats : A4, US letter, A3 ou A0. Ils sont donc imprimables de chez vous ou dans un copyshop pour plus de liberté.
Je cherchais un métier qui soit en accord avec mes valeurs. J’aime créer des patrons de couture et je souhaitais un métier qui ait un impact le plus positif sur la planète. C’est pourquoi je préconise d’imprimer sur du papier brouillon (une face vierge suffit). Par ailleurs ma consommation personnelle et professionnelle est très raisonnable et j’utilise essentiellement du tissus biologiques et/ou provenant de recyclage ou de seconde main.
Notre activité
Notre objectif est de sauvegarder, transmettre, partager et rendre accessible, un savoir-faire permettant la création et la conception de vêtements dans un esprit "haut de gamme" et contemporain.
L’ensemble de nos produits ont été conçus pour permettre à chacun de mener à bien ses projets créatifs, en développant ses propres bases ou en utilisant directement une base fournie, pour la transformer afin de trouver ses propres volumes, ses propres idées créatives.
I’m passionate about clothing and textiles, particularly sustainable and slow fashion. I live by the ethos ‘quality over quantity’.
By encouraging more people to make their own clothing, I am hoping this can help shift the focus of an industry dominated by fast fashion, and lead consumers to a more thoughtful, curated and ethical wardrobe. After experiencing the time, effort and reward that goes into the creation of a garment, it’s hard to go back to a mass produced, chain store item.
I’ve been sewing since I was a kid. My first foray into the business world involved making and selling faux fur pencil cases with my best friend at primary school. Luckily my taste has been somewhat refined since then (bar a questionable period between 2005 – 2008 involving too much polyester). I went on to get my degree in Fashion and Textile Design and have worked in various roles within the fashion and textile industry since.
In time, I am aiming to build up a collection of sewing, natural dyeing and other DIY tutorials, as well as a comprehensive catalogue of sewing patterns.
For now, I’m starting out small and adding new patterns regularly. To keep in the loop with pattern releases, tutorials and other fashion and textile related goodness, join my mailing list and follow me on Instagram.
I found my love of designing and sewing when I had my first daughter, Aubrey. I wanted her to wear cute, boutique-style clothing, but I couldn't afford it. I decided to ask for a sewing machine for Christmas and proceeded to teach myself to sew.
Along the way, I realized that I had something special about putting fabrics together, and I loved the adorable creations I was making.
I began selling clothing online with the encouragement of family and friends. I learned new and better ways to make them each day and continued to grow my business. Ten years later, having a successful business, I wanted to give back. I decided to offer sewing patterns for the dresses I sold in my boutique for those who couldn't afford them. Keeping patterns affordable for everyone is a huge passion and the inspiration for my weekly sale. I wanted to give back to where it all began for me.
From there, I was hooked. Designing sewing patterns was so fun, and I found that the more I worked at learning how to draft patterns, the better I became at it. I have been designing patterns since 2012, and there is nothing I love more.
Inspirer de jeunes femmes et hommes à développer leur créativité et à réaliser des vêtements tendance, pour eux et leurs proches, sur la base d’une vision durable et engagée de la société occidentale.
Authenticité, intégrité, ouverture d’esprit, respect, durabilité, solidarité, créativité, épanouissement, engagement, originalité et enthousiasme.
Make it Yours! Create, Share, Inspire
Les tailles de l'industrie sont un ramassis de mensonges. Rejoins la révolution de la slow fashion et profite de vêtements qui te vont.
Jalie est une compagnie mère-fille fondée en 1983 par Jeanne, quand sa fille Émilie n'avait que 3 ans. Elles forment un duo du tonnerre qui crée des patrons pratiques et sensés, pour vous et votre famille. L'entreprise est basée dans la maison familiale depuis le tout début et tout est fait sur place, de l'élaboration des patrons jusqu'à l'emballage, en passant par la confection de prototypes et les séances photos.
Après un master en entrepreneuriat qui m'avait fait jurer de ne jamais lancer ma boîte, 4 ans de consultance et 6 ans dans l'enseignement pour adultes où je me plaisais beaucoup, un cadeau nommé Elsa est venue chambouler mon monde.
La vie étant trop courte et pleine de surprises,j'ai décidé de faire ce qui me plaisait réellement : créer et apprendre.
Je suis une boulimique de formations, il faut toujours que je sois engagée dans plusieurs apprentissages : permaculture, feng shui, cuisine, nutrition, parentalité positive, home organizing, couture, modélisme... J'ai choisi de l'assumer.
Je me suis prise de passion pour la couture en 2020, et surtout pour les patrons et les tissus.
Adepte du portage, maman allaitante, utilisatrice de couches lavables, je suis restée sur ma faim en ce qui concerne les patrons compatibles qui touchent à la maternité dite proximale, à la motricité libre, aux couches lavables...
A force de les chercher, je me suis dit que j'allais les créer : des patrons accessibles, très détaillés et illustrés, en me concentrant sur mes dadas. Un projet 100% moi, 100% imparfait et 100% joyeux.
En 2022, j'ai eu l'opportunité d'ouvrir la boutique de tissus et tout s'est accéléré. L'équipe a grandi, j'ai pu créer l'entreprise qui ME correspond et qui VOUS correspond : créative, bienveillante, fun et à fond dans le service à mes clients.
Je m'éclate aujourd'hui pour le dire honnêtement, tout est fluide. J'espère que vous retirerez énormément de plaisir à coudre les patrons Klafoutis et les tissus que je sélectionne avec soin.
Notre mission principale est de rendre la couture accessible à tous en offrant une large gamme de patrons et de vous aider à créer votre propre garde-robe unique et sur mesure.
Découvrez notre univers de couture et lancez-vous dans la création de votre propre garde-robe haute couture économique. Avec nos patrons faciles à suivre et nos instructions détaillées, vous pouvez créer des vêtements qui vous ressemblent et qui correspondent à vos goûts.
Et pourquoi "Josette"?
Tout simplement en hommage aux grands-mères de Caroline et Jennifer, les deux créatrices de la marque, qui ont été une grande inspiration pour nous.
J’ai choisi de lancer Lamericana pour partager ma passion et mes compétences avec vous. Mon leitmotiv est de simplifier la confection de vêtements aux débutant(e)s en réalisant des tutoriels détaillés et illustrés de photos pour chaque étape. Je m'inspire des tendances du moment pour vous proposer une gamme variée de vêtements du quotidien.
Lamericana a pour objectif d’aider les passionné(e)s de couture à réaliser leurs envies.
Vous pouvez nous retrouver sur les réseaux sociaux et acheter les patrons mis en vente sur nos boutiques Etsy lien vers la boutique ETSY de Lamericana et Makerist lien vers la boutique Makerist de Lamericana. N'hésitez pas à venir la consulter régulièrement, nous actualisons tous les mois notre base existante de patrons.
Mille styles testés, de nouveaux patrons ajoutés chaque semaine
Les prix les plus bas et de nombreux patrons gratuits
Achetez des lots et économisez toujours plus !
Notre équipe de designers est ouverte aux suggestions pour créer de nouveaux styles
Logiciel de couture professionnel propriétaire (Intel award 2012)
Lekala propose toutes les tailles du XS au XXXX, petite à grande
Seules 4 mensurations sont nécessaires pour obtenir un patron parfaitement ajusté
Les patrons téléchargeables vous sont envoyés par courrier électronique en quelques minutes
Service clientèle amical disponible 7j/7
Couture, vente, partage, production en masse - les patrons sont hors droits
Chaque patron est accompagné de ses instructions de couture
Vous pouvez sauvegarder vos mensurations pour les réutiliser
Vos patrons de couture sur-mesure sont enregistrés dans votre compte
Vous pouvez imprimer nos patrons sur votre imprimante personnelle
Large éventail de formats pour les traceurs et les imprimeurs
Qui sommes-nous?
Hermine et Amandine, deux copines issues du milieu de la mode, l’une passionnée de modélisme (tellement passionnée qu’aujourd’hui elle enseigne les techniques du patronage à des étudiants d’une grande école de mode…) et l’autre fana de style et de graphisme.Deux collègues qui à force de passer des heures l’une en face de l’autre ont eu l’idée folle de réaliser leur rêve et de monter leur propre entreprise dans leur domaine de prédilection « La Couture ». Nous même utilisatrices de patrons de couture indépendants depuis de nombreuses années, nous avons eu envie de vous proposer notre version de cette mode parallèle et éthique.
Passionnée depuis toujours par la création et l’art, je rêvais de faire les beaux-arts. La vie m’a dirigé vers mon autre passion l’informatique, domaine dans lequel j’ai travaillé durant une quinzaine d’année.
A l’aube de mes 40 ans, j’ai décidé de me reconvertir professionnellement.
We are always here for you if you need consultations, have sewing questions. Don't hesitate to contact us at munapulse@gmail.com.
Our story started time ago, when me and Olesea met to do clothes in one office, that time working on different projects. During her professional activity, Olesea studied design and pattern making, has been teaching at the same university and worked for a company in the same area. Oh yes and became a mother of 3 kids, a big realisation I will say!
I have studied economics, worked in different fields, gained experience in marketing, communication, products visual presentation, sales and training. I am the one who makes connections, develops platforms, and responds to your questions 😉
Going back a few years, in 2017, after Olesea visited Polimoda in Florence, we met for a coffee, discussed our life experiences and decided that we have to expand our friendship to a different level.
So that is what we decided:
* We'll work together, YAY!!!
* That we'll create PDF sewing patterns and they will appear step by step;
* One of our directions will be creating collections for ladies and you'll have the opportunity to sew and wear our collection creations;
* On the other side, less, but we'll develop Kids and Men sewing patterns, to have options for your loved ones;
* We tend to make those clothes sewing patterns that we love to wear ourselves and we'll be happy to do what you love if you'll tell us :);
* We want you to be happy with the products resulting from them & to reward MUNA patterns by spreading word about us.
As Olesea is a mother of 3 beautiful kids and I am a person who prefers not to be connected to an official office, we work from home. From 2 different homes 🙂 Oleseas home is the place where patterns come to life and my home is the place where some of our products become visual through photography. Our ready clothes are photographed by my husband. You'll be able to see our faces frequently wearing the prototipes of clothes at the sessions 🙂
We are so motivated when the sewing community is happy with our patterns.
We'll be definitely honoured if you chose our patterns too!
Oh yes, I have forgotten to present myself 🙂 But if you are here, I am Diana, nice to meet you 😉
We are always here for you if you need consultations, have sewing questions. Don't hesitate to contact us at munapulse@gmail.com.
Our story started time ago, when me and Olesea met to do clothes in one office, that time working on different projects. During her professional activity, Olesea studied design and pattern making, has been teaching at the same university and worked for a company in the same area. Oh yes and became a mother of 3 kids, a big realisation I will say!
I have studied economics, worked in different fields, gained experience in marketing, communication, products visual presentation, sales and training. I am the one who makes connections, develops platforms, and responds to your questions 😉
Going back a few years, in 2017, after Olesea visited Polimoda in Florence, we met for a coffee, discussed our life experiences and decided that we have to expand our friendship to a different level.
So that is what we decided:
* We'll work together, YAY!!!
* That we'll create PDF sewing patterns and they will appear step by step;
* One of our directions will be creating collections for ladies and you'll have the opportunity to sew and wear our collection creations;
* On the other side, less, but we'll develop Kids and Men sewing patterns, to have options for your loved ones;
* We tend to make those clothes sewing patterns that we love to wear ourselves and we'll be happy to do what you love if you'll tell us :);
* We want you to be happy with the products resulting from them & to reward MUNA patterns by spreading word about us.
As Olesea is a mother of 3 beautiful kids and I am a person who prefers not to be connected to an official office, we work from home. From 2 different homes 🙂 Oleseas home is the place where patterns come to life and my home is the place where some of our products become visual through photography. Our ready clothes are photographed by my husband. You'll be able to see our faces frequently wearing the prototipes of clothes at the sessions 🙂
We are so motivated when the sewing community is happy with our patterns.
We'll be definitely honoured if you chose our patterns too!
Oh yes, I have forgotten to present myself 🙂 But if you are here, I am Diana, nice to meet you 😉
J'ai commencé la couture pour un noël avec des pochons, où j'ai récupéré des tissus d'une installation de scénographie, pour emballer les cadeaux que j'allais offrir.
J'ai voulu reprendre et en faire pour les sacs réutilisables des fruits et légumes. Petit à petit j'ai commencé à regarder pour faire des vêtements avec des patrons, ou bien à partir de mon imagination.
C'est un an plus tard, avec les encouragements de mon entourage, que je décide de créer mes propres patrons de couture dans lesquels je m'y reconnais.
J'ai le souhait de rendre les patrons accessibles, faciles à coudre et ludiques. Mais surtout confortables et non genrés.
Passionnée depuis toujours par la création et l’art, je rêvais de faire les beaux-arts. La vie m’a dirigé vers mon autre passion l’informatique, domaine dans lequel j’ai travaillé durant une quinzaine d’année.
A l’aube de mes 40 ans, j’ai décidé de me reconvertir professionnellement.
Welcome to our sewing pattern haven! Our YouTube channel is dedicated to all things sewing, where creativity and craftsmanship collide. Join us as we dive into the world of sewing, offering tutorials, tips, and tricks to help you master the art of creating stunning garments. Whether you’re a seasoned seamstress or a beginner, our channel is the perfect place to find inspiration and guidance.
From trendy fashion pieces to timeless classics, we’ll guide you through selecting, cutting, and sewing to bring your unique style to life. Our step-by-step tutorials break down complex techniques into easy-to-follow instructions, ensuring you can confidently tackle any project.
But it’s not just about the patterns – we’re here to foster a vibrant community of sewing enthusiasts. Connect with fellow creators, share your projects, and find support along your sewing journey.
So grab your sewing machine, and join us on this exciting adventure. Let’s sew together, one pattern at a time!
Depuis 2016, Petit Patron propose des patrons d'accessoires et de vêtements pour femmes, hommes et enfants. L'engagement premier : la qualité. Les patrons sont pensés pour tous les corps, toutes les tailles et tous les niveaux.
Et aujourd'hui, Petit Patron est bien plus qu'une marque de patron de couture grâce à Margaux, Noémie, Laurie, Océane et Malvina.
We aren't just about creating great patterns and offering fabulous fabrics. We work hard to create safe spaces within the sewing community where sewists can feel welcome, included, and inspired!
We are here to listen, learn, and grow with our community. We are never satisfied with the "what is" and instead focus on the "what could be".
Born and raised in the Adirondacks (the largest state park in the lower contiguous states, and which is larger than Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, Grand Canyon Great Smokies...COMBINED!) in Northern New York - yes, it get's very cold there in the winter - the founders of Sleeping Giant Shirt Co. have constantly been inspired by the woods, mountains and history that runs through the ADKs. To this effect, the name "Sleeping Giant" references a small range of mountains that rest sleepily in the background of our quaint town of Minerva, NY.
In the old days, long before even the oldest of us were born, men and women roamed the ADKs and made a living out of logging, forest preservation, guiding, and trapping; hermits were famous in the area as social recluses that were somehow wildly popular despite themselves! We want to show reverence to these colorful characters of our past and to our ancestors who have helped shape and mold the ADKs to be what it is today.
Our goal is to thus create custom shirt designs inspired by the men and women of the ADKs. Modern reinterpretations that recall the quality and craftsmanship of yesteryear. We want to provide you - the modern sewist, the newly initiated maker, the woods(wo)men, the fisher(wo)men, skiier, lover of plaid and flannel - with the tools to create your own ADK shirt no matter your skill level.
So stay tuned, we're working on it. And in the meantime we'll post some of our own makes to get you inspired to make your own clothes. Because, if we can do it, you certainly can too!
Robert began his swimwear line in the Bay Area where he was attending school previously. Robert became fascinated with men’s swimwear during a photography project for one of his art classes. It was during that project that Robert Joseph Swimwear was launched.
Fashion has been Robert’s whole life. He began sewing at the age of five and drew his first design at the age of 7. Since then, the world has been his muse and art, life and music has been his inspiration. By the young age of 20 Robert had already mastered the art of dressmaking and was well on his way to becoming a formidable tailor and couturier. By the time he was 25 he was a business owner and one of the most well respected tailors in his community.
Five years later Robert needed a change of pace from his usual, sometimes monotonous daily routine and moved to San Francisco. In San Francisco Robert found an abundant community of independent designers. Robert was excited and exhilarated by the new competition. Robert fell in love with design all over again! It was in San Francisco that Robert decided it would be a good idea to go back to school to finish a Fashion Design degree. Eventually graduating from the College of Alameda with honors. Wanting to continue his education, Robert relocated to Los Angeles, where he is also expanding his swimwear business.
Robert is a huge music fan and a regular at local museums and art galleries. A classically trained musician himself, he’s often listening to music while creating new styles.
Super Bison sait qu'il n'est pas forcément très différent des autres bisons. Mais Super Bison s'en fout d'être "cool" et c'est pour ça qu'il est super.
Super Bison est une marque française de Do It Yourself Mode pour Bébés, Enfants, Adolescents, Femme sans oublier l'Homme.
Son leitmotiv est de pouvoir confectionner des looks confortables, qui suivent les tendances du moment en procurant du plaisir à celles qui sont derrière leur machine à coudre et en réjouissant ceux qui les portent : nos enfants, les enfants de nos amis, les petits-enfants... bref tous ceux à qui on a envie de faire plaisir.
Sophie et son équipe de choc mettent tout en oeuvre pour vous trouver les tissus au meilleur rapport qualité/prix, tissus originaux, respectueux de la peau de nos enfants, dessins exclusifs... un mélange de tout ça en fait 😉
En tant que styliste, Sophie dessine les modèles de la collection en essayant de réunir 3 éléments qui lui sont chers : bien être, plaisir à coudre et plaisir à concocter des looks cools à porter tous les jours !
Le collection de patrons qui en découle est proposée en coffret contenant la planche graduée et la notice explicative avec un pas à pas illustré. Il existe des modèles bébés allant du 3 au 24 mois, des modèles enfants répartis du 2 au 12 ans, des modèles adolescents à partir de 10 ans jusqu'au 16ans, les modèles femme du 34 au 50 et les modèles homme du XS au 3XL !
Passionnée par la mode et le textile en générale, la créatrice de Super Bison souhaite créer un univers fort, inspirant, évoluant au gré des saisons en proposant des motifs exclusifs pour toutes celles qui aiment sortir des sentiers battus.
From my treehouse studio hidden within the New Zealand forest, I design clothing and playful patterns that capture the essence of childhood storybooks. To me, sewing is a magical journey, full of adventure and the wonderful tales that each material holds. I believe in reusing fabrics when possible and bringing new life to old things, in spending time (sometimes together, sometimes alone) to let the spirit run free.
To me, sewing is not just about creating things, but creating memories. In 2008, a devastating injury to my right hand left me unable to perform everyday tasks and hand therapy became my life. Recovery was slow and painstaking, and the day I was finally able to thread a needle felt like a miracle. Though it took me weeks to finish projects that others might whip up in a nap time, the joy of creating something beautiful from such a painful experience empowered me to keep hoping, working, and creating. In 2011 I began selling the little things I so carefully and lovingly crafted during "hand therapy." Year by year, stitch by stitch, my shop and studio (previously known as Big Little) continue to be a reminder of all things possible.
Twig & Tale is for everyone who shares a love of creativity and an adventurous spirit—beginner sewers especially! It's a celebration of the innocence of childhood and the wonder of nature. It's about comfy clothes and warm things like hugs and capes and coats. It's about handmade, love, and imaginary play—featuring classic, simple patterns that inspire us all to tell a story.
The VikiSews platform is a space for your creativity. Here you will find trendy, modern patterns for the whole family along with the tutorials - in-depth lessons on sewing any garment, whether it's a coat, a dress or a trench coat.
Every Vikisews pattern is like a masterclass for beginners in its own right, showing every step of making your garments with the help of a sewing machine. You will not find more detailed instructions, step-by-step photos and video tutorials anywhere else. You can buy and download our patterns in pdf format for 10 sizes, including our extended size range. We make creating your wardrobe a breathe!
But why limit ourselves to creating patterns exclusively for the fashion industry when there are so many passionate home sewers out there? This question inspired me to dive into the world of indie pattern makers, and I was truly amazed by what I discovered.
I understand that there are plenty of options when it comes to sewing patterns, but what I offer is not your average PDF sewing pattern. I'm thrilled to share my enthusiasm for design, fit, and pattern making with you. My goal is to curate a collection of sewing patterns that will become your go-to favorites. These are patterns that can be reused time and time again, but most importantly, they result in garments that fit you perfectly. You'll find yourself receiving compliments like, "Where did you buy that?" when you wear our creations.
Welcome to my wardrobe of favorites, the pieces that I cherish in my own closet year after year. My journey as a patternmaker began in California during my twenties, and I've continued to hone my skills over the past 20 years in the Danish fashion industry, where I've not only worked but also taught the art of patternmaking.
Thank you for choosing Wardrobe By Me, and I look forward to helping you create clothing that not only fits well but also reflects your unique style.
Les patrons que j'ai réalisés n'allaient pas, j'ai du tout refaire. Et je ne suis pas la seule personne dans ce cas. N'hésitez pas à découvrir les alternatives !
Things are faster, easier, and more convenient than ever before. Technology makes it easy to become distracted for hours, easy to buy more than we need, easy to ignore the people around us–and ourselves. Fast fashion is accessible and inexpensive, but there are hidden costs to our planet and global communities.
Instead of easy, we choose creativity. It’s a path that challenges us and forces us to slow down. It causes us to question what we truly need. It also brings us a deep sense of gratification, pride, and joy.
To make your own clothing is to say yes to the challenge, yes to the deeper joy, and yes to ourselves. It is a way to infuse creativity deeply into our everyday lives and feel connected to who we are and our impact on the world.
We each have a limited amount of time in our lives. We simply can’t make more of it. But we can choose what to do with it. We can make a choice to place our attention on the acts of creativity that fill us up and bring beauty into our lives. We can choose to pay attention to ourselves, and inspire others to do the same. We can connect around our passion, encouraging each other to become more thoughtful, aware, and self-sustaining.
We spread creativity by supporting the creativity that’s in each of us: through learning, practice, and a community of friendship.